OTP mechanism can be done using different algorithms like TOTP or HOTP. To use it we have inbuilt plugins available,
I have used Otp.Net and TOTP algorithm for this purpose, we can refer it from https://github.com/kspearrin/Otp.NET
Step 1: Refer library from Nuget "Otp.Net" https://www.nuget.org/packages/Otp.NET
Step 2: Create TOTP Object
Step 3: Send this otpString to any channel like Email or SMS as your covenient
Step 4: Create seperate action method to validate input OTP code from user
I have used Otp.Net and TOTP algorithm for this purpose, we can refer it from https://github.com/kspearrin/Otp.NET
Step 1: Refer library from Nuget "Otp.Net" https://www.nuget.org/packages/Otp.NET
Step 2: Create TOTP Object
var emailToSend ="balajisrmv@gmail.com";
var secretKey = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(emailToSend);
var TotpObj = new
Totp(secretKey, step: 60); //set step for 60 secs for OTP expiration
var otpString = TotpObj.ComputeTotp();
//Send to email, you can customize this to however needed.
emailService.SendEmail(toAddress: emailToSend, subject: "OTP Subject", body: "Your otp code is: "
+ otpString);
Step 3: Send this otpString to any channel like Email or SMS as your covenient
Step 4: Create seperate action method to validate input OTP code from user
public IActionResult OnPostVerifyAuthCodeAsync(string OtpCode)
var emailToSend ="balajisrmv@gmail.com";
var secretKey =
var TotpObj = new Totp(secretKey, step:
60); //set step for 60 secs for OTP
bool otpValid
= TotpObj.VerifyTotp(OtpCode, out long
timeStepMatched, new
VerificationWindow(2, 2));
if (otpValid)
//OTP is valid proceed your business logic
//OTP is invalid throw error
return Page();